Jun, 14Precious mommy’s gifts from daddy and daughter
Daddy transformed his little girl’s drawings into precious handmade jewelry to Mommy’s gifts.
Feb, 14The baby essentials
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten.
And the future worth living for.
….and she designed this colorful bracelet to cherish every moment with her little one.
Dec, 13Matching mom and daughter ID bracelets
Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But of course it matters. When two parents are deciding the given name of their child, they are picking a word that embodies all the hopes and dreams they have for their most treasured and beloved. This set of mommy and daughter I.D. bracelet signifies the closeness of mother and child. A child will always know that when her name is spoken by her mother, she is loved and a woman’s name becomes ever more powerful when she has a child because now she is the protector of all.
Nov, 13Bracelet design from your baby’s drawing
Bracelet designed by her 2-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter! Preserve their hand drawing or art work by custom-making a unique and timeless jewelry piece!
Apr, 13elephants
We’ve all heard that the elephant is one of the sacred animals in Buddhism, as well as often depicted in Indian mythology. Recently I learnt from my dear friend S that the elephant’s trunk also represents different energies, when the trunk is up, it symbolizes the showering of good luck! How interesting!
Beauty, silent power, kindness, majesty and wisdom – That is the elephant!
The 4 “spot” elephant charms designed by S for the family of 4 elephant lovers.
Is available in the “bespoke” collection now!!
Apr, 13mmx by baby janelle
This unique and meaningful earrings designed by j with initials of her husband, herself and baby j!
Now available in “bespoke collection”!
Apr, 13with her 17th-month-old baby
Our dear friend C wearing the diamond ring “krim” as well as the “sheila” bracelet with her 17 months new born baby boy’s initial “H”
Apr, 13love with 2 little ones
A loving mom C wearing “lou” bracelet, engraved her 2 little ones initials “I” & “N” at each side of the round plate.
Mother’s day is approaching… dont forget to reward yourself and your mom with something different this year!!
Mar, 13family of three “jwm”
“initials with love” by our dear friend J, J and W welcomed their handsome new baby boy M with a custom necklace : the initial JWM for the new family. Now available in our “bespoke collection”!